Archive for apartment hunting

AJ being back and other ramblings

Posted in Marriage, Navy with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on October 24, 2009 by aedd

Hubby has been home about two weeks now, and its been great!  Although, and I never thought I’d say this, its been kinda hard to get used to being around each other a bit.  I guess that is somewhat expected considering we’ve been apart more of our marriage then we’ve been together.  We’ve done a bit of arguing and getting on each other’s nerves, but nothing an I love you or a kiss didn’t take care of!

He has to report to TPU on Monday, so he’ll actually be working (somewhat).  After that we’ll find out when he actually get flown out to his ship… or if we’re really lucky, we’ll find out he doesn’t!  I’m not getting my hopes up since they’re still out for around 3 months (give or take).  If he stays, we’re gonna start house hunting… or at least apartment hunting!  I can’t wait! If he does get sent out, we’re gonna find a place as soon as he gets back.  I’m really hoping he’ll be here long enough so we can find a place and get BAH, that way we have a home for him to come back to!

I just started my 3rd module in class.  I’ve taken two tests and done fairly well.  I got a 90 on the first, which was over Cisco, the second, which was Windows Server 2003, I made a 82.  We’re working on Windows Server 2003 Infrastructure now, and our test is on Wednesday.  This class is going by so fast!  October is going by extremely fast.  Before long I’ll be reporting to my command.  I’m hoping I’ll get a bit of time off for Thanksgiving and Christmas, especially if AJ is still here!  I’m really hoping we don’t end up having to miss all of our first holidays as husband and wife… especially our first anniversary.

Speaking of which, I need  to figure out what I’m gonna get him!  Since the first anniversary is traditionally the paper anniversary, I’m clueless!  I really wanted to get him something to remind him of me, something that included love and protection symbolism, that he could keep close to him at all times. I’m thinking maybe of doing a traditional paper gift, and then another that is more along those lines. Any ideas?!  I’d love to hear them!